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How Does patent pending RogoHub™ Work?

  1. Simply create a RogoHub account online.
  2. Enter your product names and details. Upload all of the documentation researchers need for each product. (If specs or ingredients change over time, you simply upload updated versions.)
  3. RogoHub creates a unique QR (quick response) code for each product as a simple image file.
  4. Print and attach the label with the QR code to your samples.

No need for any special software or equipment!

add ingredient
scanning QR code

Now What Happens?

  1. Your current and potential customers receive your samples with the QR code label.
  2. When they are ready to review the tech specs they need before they can use your samples, they simply scan the QR code with their smartphone or tablet.
  3. They immediately have access to the most current technical documentation you uploaded into RogoHub.

No need to dig through emails, find printouts or contact you for updated specs — they don’t even have to leave their labs or kitchens!

If researchers want to order more samples of the same item or different ones, they can do it with one click in RogoHub.

How Do the Samples Report Back?

  1. Each time a researcher scans a sample’s QR code, RogoHub records the user, date scanned, item name and number and documents viewed.
  2. You can review the usage stats in RogoHub and determine who and when your samples are being scanned — no more guessing.

Why is this important?

  • Because now you can have your sales team follow up on the unused samples — and possibly turn things around.
  • And for the researchers who are using your samples, you can target your sales efforts, promote similar products, request feedback and create a more collaborative relationship.
  • You are reducing the R&D time and costs for your customers and simplifying what is currently a cumbersome process.
  • You are building and maintaining long-term partnerships with customers who are using your products.

So who do you think they will choose to work with — you — or one of your competitors?

Rogohub QR code
rogohub profits

How Will RogoHub Increase My Bottom Line?

Using RogoHub offers immediate cost savings which will result in increased sales and revenues over time!

Operations Cost Savings:

  • You’ll save money right away on printing costs, also making you an eco-friendlier company.
  • You’ll improve efficiency by reducing the number of hours your customer service agents spend printing and emailing documentation, answering calls and emails for reorders and requests for updated documentation.

Sales and Marketing Cost Savings:

  • You can target your sales and marketing efforts to attract and retain the valuable customers you want instead of wasting marketing budgets on the wrong audience.

Increase Sales from Current Customers:

  • You’ll be providing the most current product information — using today’s trend of instant access via a mobile device — which reduces your customers’ R&D time.
  • By simplifying the sample process and providing easy exposure to your other products, your current customers are likely to order more products from you.

Attract New Customers:

  • When researchers see how fast and easy it is to work with your samples when compared to your competitors who offer similar quality products and ingredients, they are more likely to choose you as their vendor of choice.

Empower Your Samples with RogoHub: Information Delivered. Intelligence Received.