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Welcome to RogoHub™!

With RogoHub, you no longer need to dig through your email or find printouts of the technical documentation you need when testing samples you receive from vendors!

How Does patent pending RogoHub Work?

  1. When you request samples from food vendors who use RogoHub, they ship samples that contain a QR code on the labels (a quick response optical label made up of black and white squares that contains info about the item).
  2. Using your smartphone or tablet, you simply scan the QR code on the sample’s label.
  3. Immediately, you can view all of the technical information the vendor has loaded for that sample.
  4. If you want to request more of the same sample or other samples, you can do so by clicking the Order Sample button.

You can also contact the vendor directly if needed — the contact information is listed next to each item.

That’s it, it’s that simple!

rogohub qr code
user scanning rogohub QR code

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a quick response optical label made up of black and white squares that contains information about the item. You simply use the QR reader application that came preinstalled on your smartphone or tablet (Android devices), or you can download one from Apple or your device’s application store.

Once you scan the QR code on a sample, you’ll be taken directly to that sample’s page of technical documents stored in RogoHub — no need to search.

Most QR code reader apps are free. For iPhones, the QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner by MixerBox, Inc. (available in the Apple Store) has received high reviews.

What kind of technical data can I find in RogoHub?

The vendor has the ability to add the following data into RogoHub for each sample:

Vendor Item Name
Vendor Item Number
Item Properties
Kosher Certificate
GMO Free Statement
Natural Statement
Organic Certificate
PHO Free Statement
Gluten Free Statement
Halal Certificate
Specification Sheet
Nutritional Information
Allergen Information
Country of Origin
Certificate of Analysis

If you have more questions, please see our FAQs page.